Environmental Law

Experience Serving Diverse Clients

The Environmental Law attorneys at Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall have helped a wide range of clients—from small businesses to multinational corporations—with environmental permits, regulatory compliance and site cleanups. Combining years of experience with a practical working knowledge of environmental regulations, our attorneys provide legal services across the full spectrum of environmental issues, from basic contracts and permits to complex site cleanups and multi-party litigation.

Environmental Law Services

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The scope of environmental services available through Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall is broad, but our work is tailored to suit the needs of each client. Whether negotiating with other parties, working with regulators or appearing in administrative or legal proceedings, our attorneys are aware that successful solutions often must satisfy multiple—and sometimes competing—objectives.


JKW’s team of Environmental Law attorneys have years of experience with a wide variety of environmental issues and regulatory programs, including:

  • State and federal Superfund and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) laws
  • Hazardous wastes, solid wastes and special wastes
  • Brownfields
  • Water quality
  • Air quality
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
  • Environmental issues in Tribal Land

Focused on Strong Working Relationships and a Positive Public Image

We are mindful of the need for good working relationships in an area that often involves multiple parties and regulatory agencies who can be engaged in a matter together for years. Our Environmental Law attorneys strive to develop and maintain good working relationships with regulators, other parties and opposing counsel. We also are keenly aware of the need to maintain a positive public image in today’s competitive marketplace. Environmental issues increasingly are at the forefront of a business’s public perception. We have experience helping clients develop solutions that promote a positive impression. We also have ample experience helping clients respond to media inquiries, participate in community meetings, and provide presentations to public and private groups.

Contact the Environmental Law attorneys at Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall. We serve businesses throughout Arizona and New Mexico.

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