Municipal Law

Municipalities routinely face litigation brought by businesses, citizens, third parties and even their own employees. Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall has an experienced team of Municipal Law attorneys who represent cities, towns and counties throughout Arizona and New Mexico in all aspects of complex municipal litigation.

Municipal Law Services

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Our Municipal Law attorneys advise municipalities on each stage of litigation, beginning with pretrial negotiation and settlement conferences, through trial, and on appeals in State and Federal courts. JKW attorneys routinely represent governmental entities in a wide range of matters, including:

  • Personal injury claims (premises liability)
  • Excessive force or civil rights abuses by law enforcement officials
  • Breach of fiduciary duties
  • Breach of medical privacy laws
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Defamation claims
  • Environmental claims
  • Employment litigation, such as discrimination, disability accommodations, sexual harassment and wrongful termination
  • Intergovernmental disputes
  • Roadway design

Additional Legal Services for Municipalities

Offering services both in and out of the courtroom, the Municipal Law team provides much more than representation in court. Our attorneys are highly skilled in completing the extensive investigative research and factual and legal analysis that leads to trial success — or, in many cases, compels opposing parties to agree to favorable settlements for our clients without litigation.

Having established long-term working relationships with cities and towns in Arizona and New Mexico, our municipal attorneys represent and advise many different departments within our municipal clients.

Through the years, our Municipal Law team has worked closely with the transportation, environmental, health care and correctional health services departments. Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall also serves as counsel directly for various governmental boards and governing bodies, as well as their individual representatives and officials.

Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall‘s Municipal Law attorneys have a deep understanding of political sensitivities that often permeate municipal litigation matters, as well as the unique challenges commonly associated with public organizations.

They exercise the utmost care and diplomacy in resolving such sensitive issues, which sometimes involves responding to press and media inquiries, and serving as intermediaries between departments.

Reaching Resolutions Efficiently and Cost-Effectively

Our Municipal Law attorneys are also experienced in mediation, arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Their objective is to reach a resolution as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible while ensuring that they achieve the best possible outcome.

Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall‘s clients have access to our Arizona office’s conference center that is equipped with the latest in digital audio, video and internet technology for efficient and economical conferencing and dispute resolution.

Contact the Municipal Law attorneys at JKW. Our attorneys represent government entities throughout Arizona and New Mexico.

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